Wednesday, August 12, 2015

again: the establishment hates clinton. she is not anti-establishment. she desperately wants in. they don't want her. she's "too liberal".

they *will* run somebody to beat her. and she will lose to that person.

it's consequently very hard to figure this out. if there's one person in the american spectrum that you can be pretty sure is not for sale, it's ralph nader. but sanders is pretty close. given that it is certain that wall street will run a candidate against hillary, the question needs to be asked: is that candidate bernie sanders?

i've seen a lot of signs. strange youtube channels that seem to be run by professional propagandists. apparent jumps in fundraising. it's all quite ominous.

...but it's bernie sanders. he couldn't be...?

he needs to be vetted. this requires investigation. where's he getting the money from?