Monday, July 15, 2024

i mean, corporate profits are at record highs.

what's not to like about the economy?

just quit your low-paying job and buy some stocks, instead.
i have referenced a few times that a part of the dubya/biden comparison is in the imploded economy. biden has recently actually started campaigning on the economy, citing positive job growth.

this is actually an excellent demonstration of the democrats being completely out of touch with reality. inflation goes up 400%, while wages maybe went up 50% (if you were lucky), and biden thinks strong job numbers are something to run on. the reality on this continent (it's the same thing in canada) is that getting one of these low wage jobs isn't going to let you afford to rent an apartment anymore, let alone buy a house. you end up living with your parents until you're 60, or living in your car if you're already an adult. the inflation in food and rent since 2020, particularly, is absolutely devastating to a huge number of people that can no longer function in this economy.

these are conditions that are comparable not to some of the recessions we've had recently but to the great depression of the 1930s. and, biden wants to run on a strong economy!

trump doesn't have a policy to address this, and he's not going to address it if (when) he wins.

but, the last thing biden should be campaigning on is the strength of an economy where workers have seen their purchasing power halve or quarter, and especially not by citing job growth numbers. people are right to spit in his face.

what's the solution to this problem? well, we're going to need to see some labour action to get wages up, but government can help by increasing the minimum wage. dramatically.