Saturday, August 17, 2024

they haven't done anything at all, this is jason kenney and stephen harper's system.

i'd like them to do some things on a number of files, but they won't do anything substantive unless the ndp tells them to do it.

rough couple of days. they may have drugged me again just past the 6th, but i don't know how. there's an effect of sweating over night that happened, but i have no point of entry and the secondary effects are minimal. it's currently ambiguous. if they did, it was less than previously, and it's passing quickly.

then, there was a migraine as i was doing court documents, and i've had to spend the weekend soaking. i'm currently stopping to drink some coffee, which is often the case when i'm here.

i have a lot of typing to do this week and it's going to be a while before things get back to some semblance of normality but it's careening uncontrollably in the right direction.