Wednesday, March 5, 2025

i missed this yesterday.

this is the smart approach.


i sample a small section of the good neighbour policy speech in my 2004 symphonic work, "interplanetary isomorphism". 

this composition is complete, but the recording/ep remains unfinished. i have been intending to complete a remaster of this track for years, which would close the ep, but i've been fighting off all kinds of bullshit and haven't been able to.

it is featured as the centrepiece of my upcoming eighth record, {e}, which will be backdated to 2005 when it can be finalized.

all sound in all trivial group material created by the identity element, the one. that's the point. it's solely me; strictly me. nobody else is ever invited. any attempt to participate would be violently stricken. 

the missing link between inri and the trivial group is pythagoras, and i've created an akousmatic project to fill that in, but it's still in sketch stages because i simply can't get any work done. i was reading reconstructions of pythagorean philosophy in 2004. via pythagorean philosophy, which may have had indo-iranian origins via thracian influences, the trivial group is the origin point of the platonic tragic hero, jesus, which inri is named after. 

there are three official inri lps and one official deny everything lp, two official jjjjjjjjj lps and one official ftaa lp between the inri project and the trivial group project, which culminates in a 2xlp set. all of these projects in the main sequence (inri, deny everything, jjjjjjjjj, ftaa, trivial group, cycles per second, tetris, pi, proverbs) only include me as a member, but may include guest contributions from others. not the trivial group; if it's filed as trivial group, it is me and only me and strictly me and nobody else ever at all. otherwise, it's not the trivial group, it's some other group that is isomorphic to c2 or c3 or c4 or k4. there are also some side projects (rabit is wolf, cynicide collaboration, throatmotor, etc) with others, but mostly with an old acquaintance named jon that was reliant on me for bass for a few years. 

see, the reality is that this is going to cave in the cost of rent here in south detroit. windsor is going to be hit harder than it's been hit since nafta, which was extremely hard.

canada will not find friends or solidarity in europe. that's why i've been arguing against supporting them. that's the point.

if what trumps wants is hemispheric dominance, which is the monroe doctrine and not "manifest destiny", and he's looking to make a deal with the russians to get it, then the solution is to look towards other actors in our own hemisphere, not to poke monroe in the eye and pine for a return of colonialism by calling the french back into louisiana. vive la nouvelle-orleans et saint-louis libre? let us instead advance the good neighbour policy of fdr, retooled for canada, and look to make friends in the south.

the reality is that almost everything we buy from the united states could be grown or manufactured in mexico and already is and is already on our shelves. i guess it depends where you shop. i'm poor, so i do almost all of my shopping at walmart, and they don't import anything from the united states, it's entirely from mexico.

there are large countries in south america with advanced economies: peru, argentina, chile. brazil has a lot of the same problems as america, except far worse, but is a very populous nation with tremendous potential. it might be a secret nuclear power.

we are better off waiting this out and expecting it to be short-lived, but if this goes on for a while and the americans really want a new civil war for control of the hemisphere then we'll have to understand that and build alliances in the hemisphere to contain them with. right now, it's a little too early for the canadian government to be talking about an american containment strategy, but it needs to be ready, as a contingency plan.

right now, we should just slap massive export taxes on the giffen goods and perfectly inelastic commodities to try to milk them of their own stupidity and wait it out.