as astounded as i am (as a canadian) by the failure of boston's city services to plow the roads, there's actually an opportunity to organize, here. if the city doesn't want to do what the city is getting paid by taxes to do, perhaps the citizens ought to organize their own councils to do so, and then refuse to pay taxes to a council that is clearly not using them properly...
parking places on roads are obviously not personal property, and can't be treated as such without violence erupting. the source of this violence is the idea, and there's no end but violence should the idea not be abandoned.
however, a council of citizens could do things like purchase a small snowblower and decide to take turns in plowing the roads.
i don't get it. doesn't the city of chicago have a tax-funded snow removal service? up in canada, where it snows a lot every year, this isn't an issue because the city has plows that shovel the streets. if somebody tried to "save their spot" with a chair, they'd probably get fined for littering and thoroughly laughed at by all. and this hustler would probably get hit by a minivan....
"There is no dark side of the moon, really. Matter of fact it's all dark. The only thing that makes it look light is the sun."
i've really had enough of cherry and his totally left-wing remarks, too. he's just a front for those peta environmentalists. what a socialist.