Sunday, September 1, 2024

what netanyahu needs to do is buy hamas a pony. then they'll let the hostages go.

there's a point where the stages of grief lift and logic reasserts itself and these people protesting in israel are having a great deal of difficulty getting there. hamas is demanding things it can't have and then killing people when it doesn't get it's way. 

there's only one entity here that is responsible for these deaths and it is hamas.
A senior Hamas official, Izzat al-Rishq, insisted Israel was responsible for their deaths, as it has refused to sign a ceasefire deal.

if you adhere to this utterly warped logic, you should be ashamed of yourself.

"it's not my fault i blew up the earth. it was blocking my view of venus."
if you are going to smoke pot in a residential space, don't be the asshole loser that uses a giant bong, or smokes giant joints five times a day. smoke pinners. keep your tolerance down. respect your neighbours and respect yourself.
marijuana is entirely legal in canada, and be careful what you wish for. 

first, the quality of the legal pot is horrific. marijuana is supposed to be fun; the stuff you get in the store here is genetically engineered as a pain reliever to replace codeine or something stronger and it just makes you numb and exhausted. it's not any fun at all. it's just a sleep aid; you just fall asleep. 

worse, you can tell it's designed to be more addictive than the street variety. just trust me on that point.

i've smoked quite a bit of pot in my life. really. but i like to keep it out of the house. marijuana should be smoked at concerts and bars with friends or strangers, not in your living room by yourself. it's a party drug; smoking pot by yourself is disgusting and pitiful and lame. there's nothing more disgusting than putting a book down at 2:00 pm on a wednesday afternoon and realizing your neighbours are smoking a bong that smells like a skunk being anal raped and just overwhelms the whole room. it's utterly disgusting, and if it's legal there's nothing you can do about it.

what we did wrong in canada is that we legalized it without passing bylaws minimizing or outright banning municipal use. i don't think you should be allowed to smoke anything at all or even have a barbecue in a residential neighbourhood. tobacco, marijuana, steak, whatever - it's all smoke and none of it belongs in a residential space. go to a park or a party or a bar or something.

we've also let the marijuana industry get out of control and, like the tobacco industry before it, it's going to end up liable for a lot of cancer deaths resulting from a product that is designed to be addictive.

i consequently think i agree more with trump, from what i can see.