Tuesday, May 2, 2017

andrew jackson was a highly consequential president. it's consequently difficult to know what things would have been like had he lived after he did, because things wouldn't have been the way they actually were.

but, if we ignore this important point, there's nothing particularly egregious about speculating about whether andrew jackson would have been able to prevent the conflict. lincoln himself was not actually opposed to slavery, which is why he didn't abolish it so much as he restricted it to convicts. that caveat in the 13th amendment led to the jim crow laws, marijuana prohibition and every other excuse to put black people in jail.

so, the fact that andrew jackson was an asshole doesn't really address the question. lincoln was an asshole, too.

how about this: get historians on either side of the question and have them debate the topic. that's what you do when somebody makes a claim of this sort...

do i agree? well, trump is probably parroting a right-wing conspiracy about the federal reserve, and it probably went over most people's heads. if that his argument, i don't agree with his argument. but, i don't understand the basis of the blanket condemnation, either.
this space was on the east side of downtown detroit; i usually find myself on the west side, and it's consequently always been a walk away from where i was, and never a rational end point. i decided a few months ago that it would only make sense to make the walk on a saturday, and i haven't been over on one since. so, i planned to end up here eventually, but never did.

...unless this is where i was on the night i woke up in that dude's car, and it may have been. but i was drunk. nothing more exotic than vodka.

in hindsight, i calculated that it was actually equidistant from my endpoint to the magic stick and i may have been better off there on that night had i done any dj research. but, i didn't know that the cops were eying it, either.

i've never had a real issue in detroit. but, it seems like the cops are focusing on the east side of the city. i don't know the precise details, but you have to understand that what the cops do is provide muscle for property. if this area of the city is being targeted, it is because people that own property in the area are demanding it.

i share the goal of a lively late night scene in detroit, and would throw out the following tactical advice: stay away from areas that are in proximity to any kind of property development. it's not a question of whether you're following the law or not; the cops don't care about the law. it's a question of whether you are pissing off property owners or not.
