Friday, July 5, 2024

a small group of pro-hamas idiots blocked the pride parade in toronto, because they don't hate gay people. not at all. i would have went around them, but the parade organizers apparently didn't want to give them a headline.

i read a part of their vomited out manifesto, which declared solidarity with "palestinian homophobes", who don't "deserve this". that's a complicated moral question, as some of them do deserve this, which is the actual factual reason they're getting it, while others perhaps don't. blanket statements, in context, are not appropriate.

there appear to have been at least a couple of gay people in the group, unfortunately. in response to their solidarity, these "palestinian homophobes" would instantly kill and probably decapitate our naive canadian gay anti-semites. i believe the contemporary penalty for being gay in palestine is being thrown off of a building to your death. in iran, who is funding this, they execute you with construction equipment, and rip your head off your body. in public. like, with a crane. it's a huge mess.

the term "useful idiot" is most appropriate.
as i stated, he didn't come off as more senile than he did four years ago, he just came off as exhausted and unable to stay awake.