Tuesday, July 16, 2024

i have to do this to get the point across.


i need to buy some new clothes. my last clothes run was c. 2010 and i bought a lot of second hand jeans and tanktops. i still have essentially all of the tanktops, but the jeans have largely been worn through, and either cut into jeans or put aside for sewing work (i bought a sewing machine that i haven't set up yet).

i'm going to want to wait until i get the results of the hearing. it doesn't make sense for me to spend a lot of money on clothes right now.

however, i think i'm done with pants. i just want to wear skirts and dresses and shorts for now on.
the canadian government is still citing the philips curve.

that should really be disqualifying on it's face, nowadays. there should be a giant cane that swoops out from nowhere and removes you from the press conference, while your arms paddle and swing to try to stay put.


citing the philips curve should be the last words you're allowed to make in public, in 2024.