Thursday, August 29, 2024

the ambassador is living in the wrong century.

news, today, is global, or at least multinational. it's not truly global; i don't read much news from latin america or africa or china, but i could. an english speaker is going to get their news equally from the united states, canada, australia, the uk, israel, south africa, india and a handful of major european countries including france, germany and probably turkey, regardless of where they physically are in the anglosphere. they may also get some news from russia, china, qatar or iran, amongst others.

your average english speaker knows where they're from but identifies more as a global citizen in a broad alliance than a member of any specific country. these are good things, broadly, as it expands the reach of the english culture and creates a larger sense of cultural identity than these provincial villages we call countries.


hope they get him next.

what kind of psychotic lunatic urges his own people to kill themselves when they're on the brink of total destruction? it's like the japanese emperor near the end of world war two, and there's a reason america had to use the bomb to make them surrender. it's an idea that's worth applying towards palestine.

if we treated the palestinians in 2024 the same way we treated the japanese or germans in 1944, maybe we'd be making some real progress in getting rid of these assholes.