Monday, September 16, 2024

i would imagine that if the cia was trying to kill trump, which is not impossible, that they wouldn't have failed twice.

rather, this is the result of irresponsible fake left propaganda about trump being a fascist dictator, and a reaction to the fact that the united states did in fact come very close to dictatorship very recently, after the 2000 election, which actually was stolen.

it would have been justified to assassinate bush at the time and a lot of people realize that now. so, if you could go back in time and kill bush before he got elected, would you do it? what if you had the chance to do it today? it's not a grounded or fair analysis (biden and harris are more similar to bush than trump is), but it's rooted in a real desire to do what should have been done, to set history right, and to avoid the mistake they made 25 years ago.

the democrats need to take a look at the nature of their social media networking and tone it down.

however, trump isn't helping himself, either. there is no convincing evidence that trump is the threat to democracy that george w. bush was, but he would help himself if he would also tone it down and often just shut the fuck up, as well.