my diet is mostly fresh produce and i buy for price, with few counterexamples.
in my fridge currently, i have:
from canada:
- beets
- carrots
- kale
- tomato
- red pepper
from mexico:
- mangos
- limes
- avocados
- i often buy guava from mexico, but not currently
- i believe that the cara cara oranges i often buy are also from mexico (none currently)
- blackberries
from peru:
- strawberries
- blueberries
from chile:
- raspberries
- cherries
from costa rica:
- bananas
from italy:
- kiwis
from china:
- garlic
"made in canada from imported ingredients":
- walmart brand not from concentrate orange juice. i would guess it says this because walmart sources it's oranges from all over the world, not just from florida. it may generally be mostly mexican oranges. walmart canada will import the cheapest oranges.
- walmart pineapple. is it from hawaii? probably not, actually. walmart canada likely sources the cheapest pineapple on an open market.
probably imported from the united states, although it doesn't actually say:
- tropicana grapefruit juice
product of the usa:
- oranges
- broccoli (but i often buy canadian broccoli)
the reality is that mexico is a major producer of citrus fruit and should be able to replace american oranges in the canadian market very easily.
that leaves the tropicana grapefruit juice, which markets itself as from florida but has also recently undergone some shrinkflation. i bought this on sale, but i had recently moved to the pc brand, which doesn't say where it sources it's grapefruits from but probably is "made in canada from imported ingredients".
we certainly import most of our fruits and vegetables, especially in the winter. however, we may be over-estimating our reliance on american imports, specifically. i eat mostly produce, and i don't think i need american fruits or vegetables at all. "buy canadian" really isn't the best tactic, if you're mostly buying produce from mexico or south america in the first place.