Monday, June 10, 2024

broadly speaking, i would expect that muslim canadians would openly acknowledge that they intend to implement sharia law in canada. i mean, that's what the definition of a muslim is, somebody that abides by islamic law. the religion is the legal code. we already have sharia law operating at the family court level, in the form of consent agreements, and the common law system is designed to absorb competing legal ideas rather than resist them.

while it is true that not all arabs are muslims, it is extremely unhelpful for secular liberals to pretend that muslims don't want to enforce their laws on us. of course they do. 

i'm a secular liberal, and i want to bring secular liberalism to the middle east; i want to enforce secular values in saudi arabia and iran, and i expect to deal with  a secular court system in my secular country. i don't deny that. i'd be honest if an iranian asked me.

in fact, i've heard my neighbours say things like "islamic law is coming to canada soon" in response to being frustrated that the cops won't enforce islamic law on me, because they've actually tried to get the police to do it.

i believe that real secular liberals understand that islam is in fact going to be their dominant opponent over the next several decades and that islam does in fact pose the single largest threat to the country's secular institutions. i want to vote for a political party that understand the need to stay vigilant against the threat islam poses to the west, not one that is going to cave into political correctness in an attempt to buy votes from a group that, in truth, doesn't even support them in large numbers, because they're diametrically opposed to liberalism, ideologically. muslims are just about the most naturally conservative and overwhelmingly right-wing group in the country.
the realization that one of the people holding the hostages was a journalist for al-jazeera is further confirmation that al jazeera, and the qatari government in general, is not a neutral or unbiased observer but an active participant in the conflict.

the reality is that al jazeera is hamas propaganda and should be seen as a wing of the iranian government, not as a valid media source.