Monday, June 17, 2024

if israel were thinking this through properly, it would actually be prioritizing the distribution of aid with israeli flags on it. a primary objective of this conflict should be to ensure that every kid in gaza sees the israeli flag every time it eats and to completely sever the population's reliance on hamas to feeding it.

another option is for israel to actually distribute the food itself, or for the americans to do it itself. hamas is not going to infiltrate the marines the way it can infiltrate the un, and it will suffer the consequences if it blows up any green berets.

the importance of this cannot be underestimated. they have to get to the kids, and they need to feed the people by weaponizing food distribution as a propaganda tool. the israelis are being foolish in not realizing the importance of this and the americans need to be doing everything they can to prevent hamas from weaponizing the aid delivery, instead. this is foundational and imperative, if they want to build a lasting, generational peace.

and, they need to understand that this entire process kicks the idea of statehood down the road by several decades. this is no longer a serious idea and it can't be until the population is deradicalized.

this isn't a bandcamp email. yet. i signed up for songtadr a couple of years ago to explore options, but didn't upload anything because i didn't like the terms.

expect a similar email from bandcamp soon. i will not be paying for bandcamp access.

conversely, i would like to get back to building my own site at, but i cannot stay online for more than a few minutes at a time without getting hacked by the losers that are stalking me.

i may actually have to temporarily take everything offline. so, buy it now if you want it.
the united states air force has in fact been air dropping for a few months.

that's a better tactic than shipping in trucks. chretien though he heard drugs. i thought i heard guns.

they should continue and expand this approach.
has anybody thought about air-dropping food and supplies into gaza?

i'm a realist and i know that if you're a "civilian" in gaza in 2024, after nearly 20 years of hamas dictatorship, chances are high that you're at least sympathetic to the regime. this idea that there's millions of defenseless civilians being abused is not reality. nor should we single out the women as vulnerable in the 21st century.

however, there are kids. there's lots of kids because the psychotic government lets men rape their wives, criminalizes abortion and restricts access to birth control, and then encourages large families, despite the horrible living conditions. getting the birth rate down in gaza should be an international priority. in the mean time, you need to feed the kids, who are the most vulnerable victims of the regime, even if you don't sympathize with the idea that the adults are truly civilians.

there is no way to create a centralized distribution center that will not be taken over by hamas and weaponized. so, the tactic should be to decentralize aid.

i'm not a military engineer, and they would have better ways to decentralize aid, once the situation is clearly stated to them. air-dropping it seems like an obvious solution.
after the oct 7 terrorist attack, israel cannot allow hezbollah to sit on it's border and threaten it's safety.

war is inevitable and something israel has to do. further, they will need help, and the west should be coming to their aid.

when i was very little, my favourite movie was ghostbusters. i was very young, but i was smart enough to know who the good guys were and who the bad guys were. 

(i also realized that the hard g in 'gh' is unusual, and that the gh combination is usually vocalized as a silent g in the english language. while i know of no example of a hard gh in english that is not followed by a vowel, there are examples of a soft gh that are followed by a vowel (laughingstock), and the general consensus is that there is a rule of thumb but not a general rule and you have to learn each word and remember it. the rule of thumb is that gh + vowel is usually hard but i did not know that, i thought gh was always soft, and as such i mispronounced the word, and defended my argument when challenged.)

then i tried to talk to the other kids about the movie and i found out that all they wanted to talk about were the ghosts, as though the ghosts were the protagonists in the film. i even recall somebody telling me that egon was a loser and slimer was the coolest.

that's exactly when i first knew that i was going to have a rough life in this world and that the other humans on this planet were going to be a fucking problem.

if you make robots look like humans, people will want to treat them like humans, and people will want them to act like humans. if robots act and look and behave like humans, we'll have to give them rights.

we don't want to give robots rights. it defeats the point.

robots consequently should not look like humans, even if they are dumb pieces of steel. robots could perhaps look like dogs or horses. i'd rather they be designed for maximum utility and look like conveyor belts.

this is important. if you're the one doing this, then how you design them will determine whether we can use these things to work for us or not. if we turn them into steel humans and give them rights, we're ending the possibility that we can use these things to emancipate us from tedious labour, which is supposed to be the point.

i don't want smart robots or robots that can think or feel to exist. i want robots to remain stupid, brute slaves with no ability to understand what's outside of the cave. we need slaves to have a civilization, and robots are the only humane way to do that. don't ruin it by giving them sentience.

a proper treatment of the topic would require a lot more detail than i can present here right this minute, but post-captivity judaism is very obviously an iranian sky god religion that is dominantly influenced by zoroastrianism, whereas the archaeology makes it abundantly clear that the people that lived in the southern levant before the assyrian destruction event were phoenician pagans that worshipped gods like baal and tanit.

it follows that judaism (and it's christian and muslim offshoots) is an introduced indo-european religion and not an ancient semitic religion and that the fact that these resettled jews were basically persians had a lot to do with their preferential treatment in the persian empire, beyond the persian's general phil-phoenicianism, which stemmed from the persian culture's inability to build ships or engage in maritime trade, or naval warfare. the persians needed the phoenicians to fight the greeks.

what that means is that you just can't separate the jews from the lebs until cyrus and persia show up, which is really pretty late in the region's history. if your historical references to israel are from the mythical david and solomon era (of which there is no empirical support for...), then lebanon does in fact become a part of greater "hebrewistan".

but this is crazy.

what is more important is the fact that 40% of lebanon is christian, and they are facing the threat of severe persecution under fundamentalist iranian hegemony. they have worked with israel in past civil wars. they are natural allies in any serious war with hezbollah, and will likely be decisive allies. the question of political union between lebanon and israel based on the consent of the governed is realistic, and doesn't require talking about conquering lebanon, or asking who built tyre and sidon or whatever.
do the jews have any historical claim to lebanon?

the short answer is "not exactly". but, i have a more subtle answer.

with the current nonsense on the fake left about arabs being victims of colonialism, it's easy to forget that the arabs actually invented colonialism as we understand it today, and that it (along with chattel slavery of africans based not on their status as black but rather due to them being non-muslims) was copied by the spaniards, with the blessing of the pope, via the dum diversas. colonialism as we understand it today is not something that was invented by white people to oppress brown people, but was something that was invented by arabs to oppress non-muslims. the cultural interchange between crazy christians and crazy muslims was complex; jihad was actually invented by a christian emperor named heraclius, and used to reconquer jerusalem from the persians, before it turned into the idea of the crusades, and was copied by the arabs during the apocalyptic period that followed the last roman-persian war, which was catastrophic for both sides. however, colonialism and slavery (as we understand them today) were both their idea first, and copied by spaniards in order to compete with them, during the reconquista. history has somehow forgotten that christopher colombus was actually brown and that the genocidal spaniards that followed him were all part arab bastards with tanned or brown skin as well. christianity itself was invented by and spread by brown southerners northwards, in an attempt to settle the lighter skinned german, slavic and celtic speaking people of northern europe.

arabic colonialism, which started around the year 700 ce and peaked around the year 1258 ce before entering a period of decline after the mongolian sack of baghdad (an arab city built on top of a greek city built on top of the persified ruins of babylon), created a large contiguously ruled region of the middle east and north africa with a common language and religion and very different ethnic identities. the people of north africa know they have a history older than islam, even if they can't fully articulate it due to it being lost or destroyed, and largely identify as a disparate group of people that are not arabs. the iranians kept their language and modified the religion of the arabs and know they are not arabs and get angry when you suggest they are. my theory of kurdish origins is that the kurds descend from mesopotamian persians and greeks fleeing the arabic invasion c. 700 and the etymology of kurd as 'refugee' is the correct one. they have held out in the mountains, resisting arabic colonization, for centuries. asian migrants named turks entered the region with the mongols and maintained their identity where they settled, eventually succeeding in conquering rome, where the arabs had failed for centuries (legend has it due to a giant bulgarian-built catapult, but in truth due to the slow decline of a decaying imperial force). the arabs were most successful in colonizing iraq, and arguably nearly succeeded in colonizing egypt; in egypt, they know their history, but have largely chosen to identify as arabs. likewise, most palestinians are fully aware that they are actually colonized and converted hebrews and not migratory arabs, but they have decided to ignore that, and have in varying levels of sincerity adopted a founding myth about canaanite continuity that no archaeologist takes seriously. the dna tests are really pretty clear.

lebanon is actually most similar to iran in that they know they are not arabs and do not like it when you tell them they are. but, who are the lebanese?

the lebanese are the descendants of the phoenicians and carthaginians, and my understanding of the actual history (not the biblical history) is that you cannot differentiate between hebrews and phoenicians, who probably called themselves canaanites. the roman genocide of the ancient lebanese was so thorough that we only have scattered fragments of their language, but it was basically ancient hebrew, and we cannot even state with certainty what they called themselves, but it strongly appears to be canaanites. the religion of the ancient hebrew masses was likely not post-cyrus judaism (a fact alluded to in the old testament myths, as the people are constantly being punished for not worshipping yahweh), but the ancient canaanite religion of the region, which was the same religion as the phoenicians and carthaginians. it is even likely that the roman persecution of the jews, which happened centuries before constantine purportedly saw a genocidal vision in the sky, was based on the identification of jews with carthaginians and the realization that cato's mission had not been fully accomplished. the idea that jews eat babies appears to be based on roman propaganda from the punic wars, which may or may not have had some basis in fact, as there is some evidence of child sacrifice occurring in carthage. the story of abraham and isaac in the old testament is probably a memory of ancient canaanite/hebrew/carthaginian/phoenecian child sacrifice rituals, and likely records how the authorities changed this practice, some time around or perhaps before the persian conquest undid the assyrian captivity.

if the phoenicians were in fact a branch of northern hebrews that existed before the return from captivity established a jewish origin myth and national and cultural identity, it does follow that lebanon might belong in a greater israel.

...if you're insane.

which these people are.

i want to ask a different question, and it is this: would the substantive christian minority in lebanon rather live under iranian hegemony, or be a part of israel?

the lebanese people are entitled to self-determination. and, if the shit hits the fan, israel may find itself with allies in lebanon that are interested in political union.
One tradition holds that the Black Stone was placed by Adam in the original Kaaba.[49] Muslims believe that the stone was originally pure and dazzling white, but has since turned black because of the sins of the people who touch it.

i'm not a christian, but i'm mostly european (i'm a little bit native american and a little bit jewish, too) and the closest thing i can compare this hajj thing to in european christian history is the crusades.

it's craziness.

they need to cancel it.
what kind of stupid religion keeps putting on an event every year when the result is that people always die?

the muslim world needs to cancel this stupid barbaric hajj ritual, where people die of stampedes or dehydration every year. it's the dumbest part of the dumbest religion out there.
it's actual a very worrying development to see the israeli military disobey civilian oversight, even if you think they should do so in order to get the aid in, which i don't really agree with, given that hamas is just going to take control of it when it gets there. the un needs to find better ways to distribute food that bypass or circumvent the terrorist group and israel should absolutely be trying to make it look like they're the ones handing out the food, not the terrorists.

israel likes to make sure everybody knows it's a democracy, and it is, to an extent. that is true. but it has been careening towards dictatorship for many years now.

the military should be listening to the government. there is no valid excuse for not doing so.