Monday, June 17, 2024

when i was very little, my favourite movie was ghostbusters. i was very young, but i was smart enough to know who the good guys were and who the bad guys were. 

(i also realized that the hard g in 'gh' is unusual, and that the gh combination is usually vocalized as a silent g in the english language. while i know of no example of a hard gh in english that is not followed by a vowel, there are examples of a soft gh that are followed by a vowel (laughingstock), and the general consensus is that there is a rule of thumb but not a general rule and you have to learn each word and remember it. the rule of thumb is that gh + vowel is usually hard but i did not know that, i thought gh was always soft, and as such i mispronounced the word, and defended my argument when challenged.)

then i tried to talk to the other kids about the movie and i found out that all they wanted to talk about were the ghosts, as though the ghosts were the protagonists in the film. i even recall somebody telling me that egon was a loser and slimer was the coolest.

that's exactly when i first knew that i was going to have a rough life in this world and that the other humans on this planet were going to be a fucking problem.