Friday, August 9, 2024

it's too bad kamala harris can't pick michael jackson as a running mate, but she can always pick his alter-ego and goppeldanger lookalike, alexandria ocasio-cortez.


remember this?

latest political casualty of declaring solidarity with hamas is cori bush. who's next?

the arab american lobby is loud and powerful, but they represent a fringe minority. most people have at least some concept of what hamas is, and almost nobody that knows what they are would declare any support for them at all. there's a collection of very old academics that still think palestine has a marxist resistance movement, and they're confusing some very young kids that don't know better, but will in...i'd give it 2 years, tops.

those kids are going to look back at this spring in abject embarrassment. 

"i camped out for hamas in first year? what? i can't believe i did that. wow. don't tell anyone. i don't want that on my resume, that's for sure."

as an aside, i think donald trump is actually blacker than kamala harris, based on the pictures i'm seeing in the media. granted, trump has a fake tan, so he's kind of more of an orange than brown, but when juxtaposed against harris in full makeup and bright light, he's pretty dark and she's pretty light.

it's damned close.