Friday, September 6, 2024

i want to get out in front of this.

the issues that and i others like me are dealing with are complex. i admit i signed up for this and am evading capitalism intentionally; i don't want in, i want out. i've made complicated choices designed to remove myself from the economy as much as possible, to boycott capitalist slavery as much as i can. others have had less choice.

out of control immigration is unquestionably a dominant factor in not just the cost of rent but the lack of availability of rental options. i want to be clear that the issue isn't just that the prices are so high, it's that the availability is so low. i have few to no options because there's almost nothing for rent because there's way too many people.

immigration is not the only factor but it's a gigantic one.

i don't blame this on immigrants, especially not poor people coming to work. i'm a little annoyed by more wealthy migrants coming here to buy property and jack up the rent, but we let them do it, and we created the situation for it.

rather, my scorn and contempt is for the political class that created this mess by deregulating the immigration system due to their faith in the religion of neo-liberalism, not the immigrants caught up in that scheme to lower labour costs. they're suffering from the over-population, too. don't blame the mexican guy over there that you've been forced by the government to compete with for food, blame the liberal party of canada for mismanaging the situation.

we are not likely to see the type of riots taking place in the uk, yet, but it's perhaps not far away. it's not just a right-wing backlash against weird customs. i'm a leftist that is pretty concerned that we're getting swamped by conservatives in ontario and doug ford, who was elected primarily by immigrants, is exhibit a. the riots in the uk are not rational but they are in response to a right-wing extremist from a foreign culture attacking some kids on a feminist rights issue. it should be leftists rioting in the streets over being swamped by conservative immigrants that are changing the culture for the worse, not right-wingers.

rather, what's potentially about to blow in canada is something more similar to the kind of riots you see in venezuela or india, which are just legitimately about over-population and the cost of living and legitimately about bad governance and government corruption.

hey, if i park in the tim horton's parking lot, stay caffeinated and just type on a chromebook until there's a spot open, who's going to even know?

this is real life - i am almost optionless. almost.

and there's millions of people like me.

it may be time to burn some shit down, maybe.
i made these decisions for myself and i don't regret them but trying to exist as a starving artist outside of the worst parts of capitalism can at times be quite challenging and require creative thinking.

i can sell the car once i get into the system.
you can buy a car in ontario without insurance or a license so long as you don't drive it.

like, say, if you park it in a parking lot and hang out in it all of the time.

you can get something that just barely works for under $1000. 

i'm exploring contingency options surrounding how i can wait for subsidized housing without renting an apartment if i get evicted from this one. i'd have to put my items in storage for $~200/month. a car with doors that lock and heat that works is not the worst way to wait it out. you could leave a few things in there. like a fridge. maybe?

i would need to continue actually biking around with a bicycle as i can't drive, except maybe to move the car around the corner once in a while to evade the cops.

just don't tell anybody.

or you could send me money via that paypal donation link so i can think about a downpayment on a cheap house. i kind of need it right now.