Wednesday, June 12, 2024

not all arabs are fundamentalist muslims, but almost all arabs are in fact crazy. yikes. you can take the islam out of the arab, but you can't take the crazy out.

it's a reminder that israel does actually have arab allies in it's fight against hamas, and that is something worth realizing. that is something the media doesn't want you to realize.

in fact, i probably have facebook posts from as far back as 2010 referring to israel's policies in palestine as "genocide", and distinctly recall having conversations with people where i present "genocide" as a more accurate description than "apartheid" over the 2011-2013 period, for the reason that israel simply does not want to enslave the palestinians and never did, it wants to exterminate them. i have not posted pre-2013 posts here yet.

the apartheid comparison was empirically terrible.

i presented genocide as something that was more accurate

did i author this? i dunno.


the team also unveiled special terry fox shorts (not pictured) in the form of unisex skirts.

it's been 55 years since the 1967 war and the arabs and jews hate each other now more than ever.

segregation has been a complete failure, in terms of creating a stable peace.

some other approach is required.