Tuesday, March 26, 2019

i'm sorry, but there's no excuse to use a term like homo erectus at this late a stage in history. i don't know if the palaeoanthropologist responsible for this was just too aloof to realize what the fuck he was doing or if he a sophomoric sense of humour, but it really must be stricken from the record.

use ergaster or antecessor or something.


listen, there's going to be posts from like 2004.

"it's 2004. why are we still arguing about climate change?"

i've been doing that as long as i can remember. sorry.
no, really.

assad should go to town with this.

or maybe i just miss gadaffi, who had such a good sense of humour about these things.

if i were syria, i would react by signing a declaration recognizing guantanamo bay as a part of cuba.
i think it's rather clear to anybody with a cursory understanding of the situation that israel's occupation of the region is in fact illegal under international law, which is the appropriate arbiter, here.

the fancy and whim of this naked emperor should really be addressed with little regard at all.
of what relevance is donald trump's opinion regarding the legitimate sovereign power in the golan heights?