Wednesday, July 10, 2024

trump will mop the floor with kamala harris so badly that states like oregon and new york will become swing states. that is a bad idea.

she was the most irresponsible vp pick since dan quayle, and that much more so given that she has a real chance of becoming president in the next four years, even if biden runs and wins.

there's really not a good answer. that's the problem.
when bill tried to tell us he didn't inhale, everybody just laughed at him. his presidency was defined around plausible deniability, but there was no plausibility to that denial. if anything, it won him votes, in the end.

did he ever extrapolate, though, on whether he inhaled that cigar?

this was with an employee in the oval office. like, during work hours. with people sitting outside waiting to come in. you couldn't do that on tv nowadays, you'd get cancelled.
the comedians and punditry class, not to mention democrats, are going to make a big deal out of trump having sex with a porn star in a weinstein-like moment (what does a porn star say in response when you call her a slut? it's true. it doesn't excuse the financial cover-up.) and i want you to stop and retreat and not do that.

i'm not endorsing biden, which is a passive vote for trump, but i don't want him to win in a landslide. i don't really want him to win at all, it's just that he's the only other guy running.

a couple of years ago, the liberals in canada tried to go after the ford family for their drug use and it incredibly backfired. it turns out doing drugs is not only not disqualifying but is seen by a large number of voters as cool. this is a vicious indictment on canadian democracy, perhaps, but it is true nonetheless.

pussygate gave trump a bump (no, i mean in the polls, you sick freak), it didn't hurt him. if you make an issue out of trump fucking a porn star, even if t was out of desperation, that is going to make him look a lot cooler than biden, who goes to bed at 7:30 pm on a friday night.

just avoid this. please.

besides. is this really that far out of character for a president?

thomas jefferson had his slave girls. bill clinton had monica lewinsky. when jfk had an affair with marilyn monroe (just to mention one girl of many), was that kind of like fucking a porn star?

there's a lot of important issues to look at. stormy daniels is not one of them.
jon stewart did a skit about the president talking to god where they tried to quote the old testament, but i don't think joe has ever read the bible, or knows what you're talking about. i have repeatedly compared biden to bush - and it seems like it took four years for everybody, including jon stewart, to catch up to me on that one, but now we're there - but biden doesn't know about ecclesiastes or mog or magog or whatever the fuck you're going on about.

if you wanted joe to listen, you should have cited the byrds.

joe knows the byrds.

like, what year is it? 1948?

biden has really turned the clocks back, when he was elected to set them forward again. america is in desperate need of somebody forward-thinking.

biden's speech at the nato conference exemplified all of the reasons i suggested not voting for him in 2020.

i understand that americans don't tend to care much about foreign policy, and that some may find his aggressive and bellicose rhetoric to be "leadership" or "inspiring", but my own analysis is that this man's death wish against the russians is worse than any american president since kennedy, and he scares the fucking shit out of me.

the geriatric idiot is going to get us all killed, and what will it matter to him, and his less than five years of life expectancy?

that said, something lost in a lot of the analysis is that trump's decision to shift nato forces eastward to poland was step one in generating the very provoked russian reaction into ukraine (after years of what was aggressive but sort of empty nato expansion on paper, mostly to enforce a protection racket to push arms sales rather than to actually attack the russians). trump shouldn't be blamed for biden's failures, but he did at the least set the situation up. it's not clear that he has the capability or vision to de-escalate, even if he seems like the better choice to give it a try. biden just wants to keep fighting the commies until he dies and will look for a way to keep at it no matter what is presented to him in terms of de-escalation, detente, or even peace. trump at the least seems to want peace with russia; biden very clearly does not, he wants to keep fighting the cold war.

everybody is looking for some way out of this catastrophic election, and i'm worried that the issue of nuclear war is going to get lost or ignored, when it is in truth the most serious issue in front of all of us. biden has brought us closer to nuclear war than at any time since the fall of communism, certainly, and probably since any time since the 1950s. we're just supposed to blame it on putin, but the reality is that that's bullshit. biden is the bigger problem. nobody is even talking about that, except for trump, and he's right to point to it as a very serious concern.

if trump were president yesterday, his nato speech may not have been much to remember, but it would not have left me shaken and frightened the way that biden's did.