Thursday, September 12, 2024

i got an updated number of $1055, but the city registry is also denying that the program is being offered this year. i'll see what the email i sent out says.

$1055 is not close to market rent for a one bedroom. at all.

still, the math becomes 1370*.3 - 1055*.9 = $538.50

538.50 + 582 = 1120.50 and adding $538.50 to the 1370, which is inevitable at that amount, is $1908.50. if add the $70+, it's very close to $2000. the cheapest apartments for rent are in the $1250-$1400 range and these are going to be gross buildings full of potheads that i don't want to live in. at that range, i'd have to move into another basement apartment, which i want to desperately get out of. i want an actual apartment in an actual apartment building.

i've found one at $1325 that i could move into if they let me. that would leave me with $2000-1325 = $675 which is about the same as right now, give or take. but the place would.


let me try to apply for this.

if i can.
this is a slightly different program, but it doesn't look like this is very promising after all.


the city of windsor is trying to argue that the average price of a one bedroom apartment in this city is $1000.

that is not remotely close to accurate. it is closer to $1500. i would not be able to find a one bedroom anywhere at all for less than $1200 + utilities. rooms run in the $800+ range and bachelors are consistently over $1000.

i'm going to pursue this, but the city appears to have set up a program and then not applied it's own definitions correctly. the frustrating thing is that the extra $500 isn't enough to open the market up, because it's still $100-200 less than the cheapest apartments. 

it makes the program essentially useless, but i'm waiting on an email for an updated average price.
i think i found a better answer to get out of here. i had to get on priority status first, which i am, so this wasn't a waste of time.

there's a city run program called the wehb:

i'm waiting for clear answers from the office, but i believe average rent in windsor is currently $1683, according to google, which would entitle me to a subsidy of:

1370*.3 - 1683*.9 = $1103.70.

the maximum shelter amount from odsp is $582. i should be able to then add that to the wehb amount to get to:

1103.70 + 582 = $1685.70.

the way it works is that they will claw back whatever is leftover from that, after calculating actual rent & utility costs. so, if i can get an apartment for $1500 + hydro + internet, and it comes to around $1600, then i'll actually get the $1600 rather than the $1685.

this would then leave me with $1370-582 = $788. my rent is currently a little less than $800, and i pay $40/month for internet. i don't pay hydro. so, i have around $530/month. $250/month is a lot of money when you're poor, and it means i could actually get a real apartment in a real apartment building, if the program has reasonable turnover times.

with the extra $70 from the province, that would give me around $850/month to spend, which is a lot for me, but the exciting thing is that it's maybe a way out of this hell-hole i'm trapped in.

if i wait for actual subsidized housing, which i may not be able to do, what they do is set your rent at 30% of your income, which for me comes to $411. it would be officially non-smoking, but they would likely expect me to live in studio apartment or a small one-bedroom and may ask me to move around based on the needs of others. i may have to tolerate neighbours that are criminals or....people that don't understand western cultural values and aren't interested in them. i could further cram internet and hydro into the $582 amount, but they would reduce the allotment by whatever is left, giving me a maximum of $788 after the process, until the inflation boost next august.

this is a better option for me, especially if i can get into the system and find a nice two bedroom or large one bedroom for $1400ish.

there is apparently a higher vacancy rate in the high rises along the waterfront (which is what i want) at that price range that is just out of what i can afford without this program.

let's hope this is the way out of here and i can do it fast.
i'm sorry if i'm confusing people, but it's because you legitimately, honestly, truly really don't know what socialism is at all.

socialism is not about peace and love; socialism is about conflict. socialism is about history, and it's a theory of history that describes historical change as a process of violent class conflict. it is an algorithm for the violent overthrow of the state.

the hippie bullshit is actually burkean or voltairean conservatism, or in some cases actually buddhist woo, it's not socialism, and socialists are constantly annoyed and frustrated by people that won't fight for their interests or that won't acknowledge the perpetual class war.

smart socialists know you need to pick your allies (hint: not stalin) and you need to pick your battles so you have some chance of winning. running around amok in africa and ending up in jail for decades doesn't demonstrate much of a useful theory. however, socialism is still always a violent theory of revolutionary overthrow, it is not a peaceful one of co-existence or harmony.

if you want the peace and love, you are really a conservative and should be looking at the literature in the other pile, although there is a sneaky point, in that marx himself often supported conservatives over liberals, despite calling himself a liberal.
the media coverage of the debate is nonsensical and ridiculous and exactly what was obvious and should have been expected by everybody, but it demonstrates what the sad actual truth is - democrats really just wanted their candidate to be as rude as trump, so they could start winning again.

the best line of the night was when trump offered to send harris a maga hat.

i'm endorsing the green party as i usually do, except in the extreme situations of 2004 and 2016, but i'm not repeating the same mistake i made in 2016. the vote against bush in 2004 was worth pushing for. otherwise, there's no use in voting for democrats, because you never get anything worthwhile.

but, he's right.

what democrats have wanted these last ten years is their own trump and harris is the closest thing they've managed to put forth to it because biden just didn't have it in him to be so blatantly and transparently full of shit the way harris does.