Thursday, September 12, 2024

the media coverage of the debate is nonsensical and ridiculous and exactly what was obvious and should have been expected by everybody, but it demonstrates what the sad actual truth is - democrats really just wanted their candidate to be as rude as trump, so they could start winning again.

the best line of the night was when trump offered to send harris a maga hat.

i'm endorsing the green party as i usually do, except in the extreme situations of 2004 and 2016, but i'm not repeating the same mistake i made in 2016. the vote against bush in 2004 was worth pushing for. otherwise, there's no use in voting for democrats, because you never get anything worthwhile.

but, he's right.

what democrats have wanted these last ten years is their own trump and harris is the closest thing they've managed to put forth to it because biden just didn't have it in him to be so blatantly and transparently full of shit the way harris does.