Saturday, May 4, 2024

of course the capitalist pro-drug vampires will mumble something about "removing the stigma around drug use". right. what does that mean, exactly? because it's an objective fact that drug use is disgusting, unsanitary, unhealthy and not something that normal people want to be around, for the reason that it attracts criminals and that drugs make people crazy. drug use is a vector for disease transmission. there is a stigma around drug use because it's disgusting, and that stigma should absolutely remain in place.

should we try to remove the stigma around scatology while we're at it? mmmm. yummy.

rather, what these people are saying is that they want to normalize drug use, and anybody telling you that should get punched in the face. 

the stigma around drug use is a good thing and should remain in place. addicts should not be brought out of the shadows, they should be locked in closets and brushed under the rug.