Wednesday, August 9, 2017

the north koreans are rational actors, though.

just ask dennis rodman.

it's true. and, that's what actually defines their bluster: it's all very calculated to play the superpowers off against each other and get another shipment of food.

so, what does a rational actor do in response to trump's threats? nothing at all, really. and, you shouldn't expect much, either.

the sad part about this is that when trump looks at the north korean dictator, what he's actually seeing is his own reflection. for, this is what trump actually aspires to: the ability to bluster and bullshit your way into forcing the world to do what you want it to do.

and, the irony is that trump may very well be the man that america needed to send to north korea, for that reason: the regime may have met it's equal, and may be forced to stand down.