Wednesday, July 10, 2019

this narrative is complete bullshit.

reliable polling has held the parties within the margin of error the whole time, which is an advantage for the liberals because they have a far better shot at the undecideds. support has not flowed from the liberals to the conservatives over the last few years, but rather from the liberals to the greens - and increasingly from the liberals to the people's party.

what the tory media tried to do here was set their party up with a lot of gramscian conditioning around something nobody actually ever cared much about. it's now realizing that the approach has failed, and trying something else.

it's a good demonstration of the limits of media power, and the fact that it can't always shape the voting decisions people make; while it may have succeeded in denting the liberals pretty badly, it has completely failed in propping up the conservatives. and, now it's dealing with the possibility of giving the greens the balance of power, as blowback.

i'll take it.