Monday, January 13, 2020

i didn't get a lot of actual sleep, but i shut down for a few hours.

i need to reiterate the point i've made several times, now: i post my entire life to the internet. i'm never far from a typing device, and i'm not shy about expressing myself.

so, what is the value of law enforcement eavesdropping on me?

is there some concern that i'm not who i claim i am? if so, how would i even have time?

am i not sharing enough information? not sharing the right kind of information? is there maybe some kind of delusional imagination that i'm not sharing things that aren't actually happening?

it's just hard for me to get my head around this. i post to the internet all day every day, and the cops seem to want to install surveillance software to determine what i'm doing when i'm not posting? what?

listen - what you see is what you get, with me. there is no secret life of jessica. i'm not hiding anything. i just want to get back to work.

so, it might take me a few tries to delete any traces of these tunneling drivers from my system, and then what? are you going to try to install some other surveillance software? why?

why not just read the fucking blog?

but, let's remember a few things:

1) the laptop i'm using to connect to the internet does not have a webcam or a microphone in it.
2) i have physically removed the wireless card from the machine.
3) the wired internet connection is 6 mbps. max.
4) the laptop has 4 gb of ram, which is the maximum the board can take. it's running a 64-bit os.
5) it's a dual core processor from 2006. 
6) the laptop initially shipped with windows vista, but is running a legal copy of windows 7. i got the product key from the licensing centre at carleton university. it is not an evaluation copy, and does not expire.
7) i will not allow unsigned drivers on my system, so any attempt to install them is going to lead to errors.

i don't know what you're looking for, but i assure you it's not here.