Sunday, February 2, 2020

let's try without the wiki post.


i will remind you that i will likely be endorsing the greens this election, rather than anybody running in the democratic election. it would appear that the most likely candidate is howie hawkins, and i would feel the need to support him at this point, instead of bernie sanders:

(there was a wiki link to howard hawkins, here)

he may also win the socialist party ticket, creating a united green/socialist front, with decidedly libertarian tendencies. i'd like to hope that's a stable coalition, actually. if i was to join one of these clubs, i'd want to join the green anarchist club.

there is no party that perfectly represents my views, and i'm not going to change my views to align with the party, that's backwards thinking - voters pick parties, parties don't create voters. so, i'm sure i'll have lots of disagreements with them, and i'm sure they'll find things here they don't like. that's fine, we can have those debates. maybe i'll convince them, in the end. but, the point is that i ultimately don't care about party orthodoxy, or making friends, or fitting in or joining clubs - i am an independent, isolated voice that cares about identifying which party apparatus i believe is most likely to advance my self-interests, and that would appear to be the greens at this point, and not the democrats.