Wednesday, August 5, 2020

i've made my concerns about china relatively clear over a long period of time. they are an expansionist, imperialist civilization that would see this continent as empty land to colonize. if they could, they'd enslave us and move in - don't trick yourself into believing otherwise.

and, they are a different civilization; no aristotle, no jesus, no alexander. the only meaningful historical point of diffusion was via mongol expansion, and they came merely to slaughter and subjugate. expect no different in the future, should it end that way.

so, canada has a choice that needs to be made in a broader civilizational context than i think is currently fully understood, or is even fashionable to try to understand. it's our nature to be open, and that's preferable, but we need to maintain some lines of defence.

yet, my concerns be as they may be, i know that history is littered with decadent aristocrats that are just as happy to sell their nations out to rising tyrants as they are to try to mount a defence.