Saturday, September 9, 2017

the ontario government released it's plans to sell marijuana behind counters in closed drawers, like it does cigarettes.

i'm left to conclude that we're only going to have one strain of medical available to us. this strain is designed for people that suffer from depression. i've run into it on the street: it's a powerful body numbing high, and it gives me a headache.

i'd ask the premier to imagine walking into the wine store and being give the single option of a red with a high alcohol content, and being forced to order it at a store front, and have the clerk come back with it. would you not buy your wine out of province?

full legalization was a necessary step, but it's only the first part. what they announced the other day is going to be a disaster - the stores will fail, and we're going to have to listen to people complaining about how high the costs were. we still have a long fight ahead of us to actually liberalize access.

i don't mind the premise of the government operating the stores, but we need to have some consumer choice in terms of purchasing different types of marijuana, and that's going to require a broad liberalization around production.

as it stands, you couldn't give me the stuff being produced by health canada for free.