Thursday, March 22, 2018

the green bonds and the infrastructure bank both just evaporated. they were in the platform, but there's no trace of them, now, anywhere.

no denials. no 'splaining. just nothing.

mulcair would have been as bad as notley....

it's less that i saw trudeau as some kind of saviour; they all supported the pipelines. they were all pro-oil. but, trudeau was at least presenting feasible ideas to shift.

what i was hoping was that we'd get both: we might have to stomach trudeau's support for pipelines (and fight it in court), while they put the money down on a proper transition strategy at the same time. if your goal is profit maximization, there's no contradiction in funding both sides. and, that seemed to be the best option.

instead, we got neither - and a real do-nothing parliament, all-around.

they sent dion packing a few months in and are unlikely to campaign on this again; either way, it would be hard to take them seriously.