Sunday, March 11, 2018

regarding bernie sanders and the russian hoax...

why is he doing this? does it prove he's compromised?

i think you want to flip it around: it proves how important the narrative is to the deep state. and, this isn't the only example of bernie going along with status quo foreign policy, despite probably not actually believing it.

i mean, maybe he fell for it. but, he has a pretty good track record of not falling for things, doesn't he? so, why fall for this?

the truth is that it doesn't matter, from any reasonable leftist domestic perspective. and, i think bernie himself has been pretty clear that he's not an anti-imperialist candidate, never has been and never will be; he's about domestic policies first and foremost, and willing to ignore these tricky foreign policy issues that could turn global oligarchs against him....

so, the way to look at is this.

1) if sanders goes along with the russia hoax, he doesn't create powerful enemies. and, what harm does this actually do? why would anybody actually care?
2) but, if sanders goes against the russia hoax, the cia goes out of their way to destroy him - and millions of voters think he's in kahoots, too.
3) so, the rational choice is to play stupid, until it works itself out.

see, and this is why i think the deep state didn't just abandon him, but came to see him as the greatest threat. it's not his policies that scared them. it was his willingness to subvert the subversion - to make a deal with people that aren't using to making deals.

you and i know better. millions don't.

i'd just drop it.