Monday, May 7, 2018


i have checked my vlog camera.

you have to understand that i don't remember any of this.

but, i checked in at about 4:30 when i got back to my bicycle, and pointed out that the situation was cool - that i was picked up at small's, brought to the gay bar, and brought back to my bicycle. and, i pointed out that this was a pretty cool turn of events. occam's razor appears to have been correct. i also point out that i'm drunk and i know it.

like i say - i didn't feel i'd been drugged, but it's hard to lose that lingering suspicion, when all you know is that you blacked out.

i checked in again around 5:00 to point out that i'm too drunk to keep drinking, so i should go to the diner.

i'm very well aware of my condition.

and i got to the diner around 6:30 - without a sweater on.

i think i was right the first time; i think that sweater was put on me at the diner.

so, there is no mystery of the sweater.

and i have no lingering doubt that i was treated well; i just drank too much last night