second-hand marijuana smoke is not a small concern, or a minor annoyance - it is a serious health hazard, and a dangerous risk factor for the onset of early dementia.
i am constantly sick, living here. i can barely ride my bicycle down the street without coughing...
further, there's not a lot of use in sitting in an unhealthy environment for the benefit of my gear, if i cannot secure access to a sober state in which to utilize it with.
meaningful artistic creation is impossible under the influence of drugs.
i need the space for the gear. but, i can't do anything in the space - i can't record, i can't read, i can't exist. all i can do is stumble around like a retard, under the influence of my neighbours' drugs.
i would have to become like the people around me, in order to exist here. and, if that is my fate, i would rather be dead - inexistence is preferable to an existence of waste.
i'm sorry if you're too stupid to understand any of this. but, my options are escape or death - death as an individual, death as an artist, death as an entity.
for, that is what drugs do to a person - they destroy our minds.
i could continue to live here. but, i would be dead, inside - as dead as the people around me.