Tuesday, April 7, 2020

this is just the latest installment in a stream of disinformation.

listen, i guess the liberal ruling elite in canada caught the nihilism flu, and has decided that truth is a malleable object to prepare for public consumption, but underlying this is actually a kind of desperate, altruistic nihilism, almost a white lie nihilism, to try to achieve what is seen as a public necessity.

so, they're doing everything they can to plead with you to stay inside - not because that's actually going to work, but because they don't know what else to do.

what they need to do is continue preparing, and, thankfully, it does seem like there are some thinking people in the federal government that are rising to the occasion on this. we'll see how quickly these industrial plans actually materialize.

so, i don't want to rip this apart, because...it's not serious. it's theatre. the better mathematical decryption of this is to rebroadcast the message - they are pleading with you to stay home, and resorting to this out of desperation to have you do it, whether it's likely to be effective, or not.
