Thursday, October 8, 2020

just an update on the calories...

2*105 + 32*.75 + 240 + 61*.75 +  100 + 224 + 30*(3/2) + 217 + 9 = 1099.75

very late lunch:
90*3 + 130 + 70 + 100 + 30 + 200 = 800  (not including meat replacement)

very late supper::
2*26 + 318*(100/85) +2*130 + 41*1.1 + .1*553 + 30 = 816.5  (not including yogurt, mushrooms)

i'm ok with the breakfast being in the 1000+ calorie range, but i would like to bring the other two down closer to 500-750.

the eggs are not bad; the apple juice seems to be a little heavy, and i can probably improve on that.

for the pasta, i'm sure i'm going to take the pasta down to 75 or even 50, i just want to get the numbers in, first.

2*26 + .75*318*(100/85) +2*130 + 41*1.1 + .1*553 + 30 = 723
2*26 + .5*318*(100/85) +2*130 + 41*1.1 + .1*553 + 30 = 629.45

if, in the end, my numbers are:

breakfast: 1100
lunch: 750
supper: 650

...then that's actually about what i want.

that said, in the end, i may cut it down to two meals by alternating the pasta & eggs dishes. i am having difficulty keeping up, and am about to scratch wednesday off the list and start fresh on thursday. that would put me back under 2,000 calories, and may be more sustainable; i may find it more "normal".

but, i'm more concerned about vitamin intake at the moment.

if, in the end, i'm convinced that i only need to eat twice rather than three times, i will.