Sunday, February 14, 2021

so, it didn't show up, but there's no comments on that video over the last three months, either.

it looks like i'm shadow banned, but it might be more like that the college has it set to approve comments, and they're a little slow about it.

i'm going to cease from getting upset for the moment.

i got my package for the karen case in on thursday, and i got a form 10 out this morning. they gave me what i was looking for, but they also gave me an opening regarding the "you're not welcome here" fiasco, which, if i could get a record of, would help me dramatically.

the way they did it sort of helps, though, because it makes it look like they're protecting her by refusing to release incriminating evidence - which is absolutely true.

i am getting fed up with the delays, though. if i don't get something soon, i'm going to have to ask the divisional court to pull it... soon as they re-open.