Monday, August 26, 2019

i guess it's a kind of a leftist tradition that you construct your own spin on the distributive justice rule that defines your personal concept of communism, much as guitarists are absolutely required to do a cover of little wing at some point in their careers.

i've indicated an affinity for technological determinism, and where i am in this materialist march towards the end of history is at the cusp of the rise of large-scale automation, a post-industrial revolution, meaning i'm in the ideological space of post-work anarchism.

so, the abilities part is a little passe.

how about this, instead then:
from each according to their interests, to each according to their needs.

that way, somebody like me can be an artist (or a blogger) if they want, if they choose. we just can't sit around smoking drugs, watching oprah, and expect new cars to show up in our laneway when we need them.