Monday, August 26, 2019

trudeau and macron need a third stooge. but, i don't want to interfere with belgian neutrality. alas. the franco-phony is a lot smaller than it used to be.

they're both complete idiots and the world will be better off when they're gone.

exhibit a - trudeau is offering to send helicopters to brazil to put out the fires, as though brazil doesn't have the resources, and as though they're not doing it on purpose. it's like offering a lion a glass of milk. thirsty kitty, right? dipshit. worse, i think he thinks it'll win him votes, as though meaningless symbolic gestures overpower actual substantive policy decisions.

because it's the thought that counts.


anyways, i'm figuring out that the smell is indeed seeping up from under the floor, which seems to have some cracks in the foundation. i don't think that the problem is air humidity at all. at this point, i no longer care remotely about the piece of shit upstairs, so i'm just going to get some expansion foam at the hardware store and seal up around the baseboards. it's his problem if it ruins the foundation - he's not maintaining the place anyways, and refuses to do basic maintenance. that should keep the smell out. i'm just going to wait a few more days for this rain storm to pass, first. and, to finish october, which won't be much longer.