Monday, September 9, 2019

well, which endorsements matter?

the reason i want to give sanders the edge here - even over biden - is that he seems to be doing better with things like unions. does anybody care who their congress person endorses, really? i think people care more about endorsements from community newspapers, unions, church leaders, etc.

and, i actually expect that sanders will run the table on all of this stuff, which is why he's the more serious candidate, over warren.

warren, on the other hand, will do better with the actual party people, but it's not clear if those types of endorsements will help or hinder her. i've pointed out before that i think her polling numbers are being exaggerated by "friendly" sampling decisions, but that's a hunch.

but, i live in detroit, too. and, i'm going to tell you a secret: bernie is still the most popular candidate downtown, which is pretty black. the watch parties at the downtown bars are all sanders watch parties. but, i'm seeing watch parties in ferndale and grosse pointe pop up, wealthier white suburbs, and they are increasingly warren watch parties.

nobody seems to care much about biden.