Monday, November 2, 2020

the consensus actually seems to be that the asian guavas (which are cultivated mexican versions that were brought to asia, presumably by spaniards, and not endemic to asia) have less c per g, even if they have more in one of their larger fruits, over all.


Although vitamin C contents were not measured in this work, previous studies where guava germplasm from Calvillo has been included show that Mexican germplasm has up to 520 mg/100 g of mesocarp, compared to 80 mg of vitamin C/100 g of mesocarp in foreign germplasm (Laksminarayana and Moreno, 1978). 

& this study which lowballs the asian varieties:

this is leading me to conclude that the "common guava" is probably an american variety, after all, and that i'm not doing poorly by using it as a baseline, given that all fruit has some variation.

