Tuesday, May 10, 2016

j reacts to elizabeth warren sounding like a moderate republican

see, here's the actual truth: it was exceedingly confusing as to why anybody ever really interpreted warren as a leftist in the first place. she doesn't even seem to be a keynesian, she's more of a literal classical liberal. at least bernie is mostly pushing a new deal type of framework. warren is all teddy roosevelt. and, there's simply nothing leftist about this - it's really just a type of moderate conservatism.

that said, even if she's pushing for it, i don't think that hillary will pick her, but not for the reasons being bandied about. i think hillary is likely to view warren as a liability - she's too easy a target by the demagogues on the right, who will cast her as some kind of communist - while she's quoting adam smith. and, frankly, if you interpret the world through the kind of warped filters that hillary and her handlers interpret the world through? it's a correct perception. i mean, if you thought the smear on obama as a commie was rough....

hillary might be the only mainstream sort-of-liberal democrat that they can't do that to, because everybody knows she's an opportunist. this is beyond cynical. but it's the way these people think. you can't frame her...

i know it's going to be extremely deflating when she picks some right-leaning democrat, or possibly even a "left-leaning" republican. but, you're getting her logic all backwards, and twisting around what's likely to actually happen.

her ideal is not elizabeth warren, but condoleeza rice. and i think she'd actually jump through some hoops to get it accomplished, if she can.


i didn't know this, but it sure makes a lot of sense.
