Tuesday, July 5, 2016

j reacts to the contrived nature of the media reaction to the star of david fiasco

i have to admit that i have a hard time fathoming the idea that the staffers working trump's twitter feed had any intent to tweet a star of david out of some kind of...what's the benefit, again? see, if i thought that donald trump was a white supremacist, i'd think that the last thing he'd want to do is advertise it like that. there's plenty of white supremacism around us. it doesn't come out in archaic references to historical conspiracies. it comes out in the kind of legislation that was passed in the last clinton presidency. white supremacy is the establishment order; it's not some cartoon slogan.

so, i have a hard time taking the fiasco seriously. but, i think that the traction the story is getting says something about the media, and then something about the way that we consume the media. what is inconceivably anything besides an unfortunate error, however unfortunate, is being interpreted as some kind of solidarity with something that doesn't exist - and people are scooping it up.

if nothing else, bernie sanders injected a sense of reality into the election. he wanted to talk about real issues. the juxtaposition into the issueless nature of the upcoming general is going to be painful for a lot of people.