Thursday, September 7, 2017

some honest reporting from independent media on the left, which is so tied up in the cartoon villain narrative...

what is the actual discussion ahead of congress?

1) can you stay if you've committed a crime? well, it's not my country, but.....let's say you won't see me at the 'let the criminals stay' rally.
2) can you stay if you can't find a job? immigration law generally has rules about self-sufficiency. it's still not my country, but i'd be far more likely to go to the 'let the disabled stay' or 'let the unemployed stay' rally.

i posted elsewhere that nobody's getting deported, and i maybe spoke too soon: the congress could very well target people that live on social assistance. and, this is probably the real battle coming up.

but, if you came to the united states as a kid and you have a job then you should not expect a deportation order, so long as you educated yourself about what is happening. and, that is the real thing that the independent media on the left should be ashamed of: instead of disseminating information that these people need access to in order to avoid having their lives uprooted, it is scaremongering for click bait.

bravo to this guy for being honest and for being real.