Wednesday, March 6, 2019

that script finished this morning. still nothing. so, i've got it running a second time,

this was just sent to tripod.

until recently, old tripod sites like mine (which was active from 1997-1999) were accessible via i vaguely recall reading a newspaper article a few years ago that explained that you had ordered a take down of these pages.

the server is currently producing a 403 error when you make a request to download this site, which indicates that the data is still there, but that general access is being denied. attempts to have this clarified by the people at are ongoing, but it may be difficult to take to somebody on the server side. as i'm sure you're aware, this is a non-profit with limited resources.

my end goal is that i'd like to grant me access to my old site, even if only for long enough to pull it down.

my request is for you to help my understand the conversation you had with around your takedown request, so that i can address the situation with them properly.

this is a loose end that i intended to have dealt with much more quickly. i don't have a good answer right now, but i also don't see much more that i can do. i'm going to have to try and suck some of the data down from the site manually, even as i try to get the server to react. the problem is that there's 45 snapshots, each with hundreds or thousands of documents. it would literally take months to do this...

still no reaction from the cops. i sent them a third email last night, slightly escalated to increase the recipient list.

i'm going to focus on these loose ends for the day, and see if there's a response by the afternoon. if not, i'm going to have to get somebody on the phone tomorrow morning.

i should be started on the journal soon. promise.