Wednesday, March 6, 2019

ok, so this is a lot of bullshit, but i'm not going to waste my time ripping it apart.

one has to assume that gerald butts is still presenting the pmo's preferred narrative, so it makes more sense to analyse it in terms of that desired narrative - they are trying to avoid creating a conflict. they're just going to say nice things in public, let them both sit on the backbenches until they got bored, and try and move on without them.

i think this is a big mistake, as these women are clearly both out to inflict maximum damage for being demoted - like your stereotypical psychotic ex-girlfriend that wants revenge for getting roughly dumped. i mean, i agree that the goal should be to move on as quick as possible, but i think they should be rudely removed from caucus, first, to prevent them from causing any more damage.

but, we'll see what happens.