Friday, May 31, 2019

fwiw, the artist that i saw there on saturday - actress - happens to be both british and black.

that doesn't have much to do with why i was there, but it does happen to be actually true.

most of what i saw there were white rock musicians, because that's where they played, because it's where the best sound system was. but, the thing is that detroit is like 80% black, and rock music has a 90% white audience. so, any rock bar anywhere in detroit is going to come up to the same basic contradiction, unless you put it in a suburb like ferndale, which is kind of a shitty deal. it's a lot easier to put the thing downtown.

i guess the answer is to listen better.

but, i mean, i don't have a lot of patience for wage theft, either. if i knew what was going on, i would have  brought the iww in.

i'm hoping they can save the sound system don't want that going to waste....