Tuesday, December 8, 2020

you're going to tell me i'm delusional, but i think my teeth are already getting better.

insofar as that's true, i may have scraped some shit off them, and demonstrated there's nothing wrong with them. but, it's just becoming more and more apparent as they clean up more and more.

i could still use some kind of strengthening one way or the other, and i'll still take the cleaning if i can get it. but that one i was worried about? doesn't seem so bad, anymore. at least half of the plaque is gone.

if that's the case, they could be in great shape for when the hydroxyapatite gets here.

if this is going to work, the teeth have to be clean. that's one of the excuses that dentists want to throw at you - you can't just remineralize, because your teeth are full of bioplaque. so, let's get the fucking bioplaque off then, eh? so, i need to keep up with the surfactants, which are what i think is making the actual difference - it is probably the cleaner teeth that is letting the toothpaste work better.

now, as to how to fix the gums? i don't have any ideas for that one.

i got an email back from palmolive telling me i was fucking bonkers, and trying to sell me some actual toothpaste. i thought about telling them to fuck off, but decided it'd be best to ignore them. so, i don't know what the ppm for these biocides actually are. if it's for use with dish soap, it can't be that different than mouth wash, though, right?

fucking patents. we gotta get rid of those...patience, friends....we will win in the end....