Thursday, March 15, 2018

liberals may vote for the right-wing parties from time to time out of protest or general disgust.

and, there's a socially moderate swing in the middle that the liberals can get out of protest, if they think the conservatives are leaning too far to the right.

but, conservatives do not vote liberal out of solidarity. ever.

and, when liberals try to attract conservatives, the end result is that the vote simply caves.

i pointed this out months ago: this party's anti-marijuana zealotry is a weakness that is going to backfire. because, when you try to hug this imaginary "mushy middle", you just end up repelling both sides of the spectrum.

ask thomas mulcair. or michael ignatieff.

it doesn't work.

worse, wynne has actually recently allowed alcohol sales at grocery stores and made a big deal about it - this is simply rank hypocrisy at it's worst.

nobody is talking about putting pot out in the candy bars, although i might suggest that the candy bars are actually more dangerous than the pot. pot doesn't give you diabetes. it's just hard right scare mongering.

she's completely out of touch.

it's not too late for a caucus revolt...

if ford pushes the issue, she will not win the election without moderating her position. it would be wise to get out ahead of it, take the issue off the table and change the topic.