Thursday, April 23, 2020

these are my notes for the long vlog update.

i'm going to eat, first, before i do it.


- 11th - first response
- sent email requesting denial of consent
- received consent over the 12th
- on 13th, was told coordinator is not available

(spent weekend ranting and sleeping, got pizza & watched debate on sunday)

- checked email on 16th, got pdf with second judicial response
- file complaint against judge
- tried to file consent motion at night, realized i can't. asked instead to file without notice.
- early on 17th, asked respondents for consent to file reference to s. 38.0.6 in writing
- slept until around noon
- left messages in afternoon

- went out on evening of 17th for pills, came back and realized door was unlocked
- it seemed like somebody was going through my stuff
- was missing court documents, some vodka
- decided that enough was enough (after weird stains on sheet, etc)
- sent email to landlord, who claimed to check camera
- landlord said he didn't see anything; clearly lying
- more evidence that landlord is a cop and i have to stay inside as much as possible to prevent further entry

- court shut down for three weeks on the 17th, when i was focusing on other things
- notice indicated court would continue filing documents and timelines are being respected,

- got response back on morning of 18th indicating that i can file reply factum when court reopens
- also got back response from oiprd indicating it wouldn't allow me to file a reference request without a consent motion
- after back and forth, sent request to acknowledge disability on afternoon of 19th
- received response on morning of 20th indicating they insist on a formal motion request
- sent motion request early on 21st.
- after reimaging several times, spent weekend cleaning up february blog posts up to debussy show on the 16th
- debussy review late on the 22nd & early on the 23rd

(so, the week was spent on court stuff & ranting about the virus while cleaning up the blog)

- realize internet usage spike early on the 23rd. 1000% usage increase.
- noticed electrical spike on morning of 13th when i was in detroit.
- turned computer off all day
- response from court early on the 23rd indicating everything is shut down indefinitely, even filing
- i responded in the evening informing them that the directive from the court indicated filing was continuing
- finished blog clean-up until the man or astroman show on feb 24th
- turned modem & all computers off all day on the 24th
- they responded on the 24th that the directive was written on the 15th, and that filing ended on the 17th. nobody is in the office.
- turned modem back on early on the 25th and found 9 gb of traffic on a day with modem physically unplugged
- sent email to landlord, who claimed he has a fibre optic connection (i know this is false because i've received his cable bills in my box). more evidence that he's a cop...
- spent 25th reimaging laptop and looking for backdoors, then lost it all due to an error that forced an unwanted reboot. decided that this image was unworkable, moving forward.
- realized early on 26th that some extra traffic was going through router - dropped packets were 50% of total traffic.
- tried to move to 90s laptop to try to hack into router to get logs
- contacted teksavvy about new ip address. had to argue with them to take it seriously, they insisted it was a virus despite no logic, and won't send tech due to covid-19.
- turned modem off around 14:00 on 26th, didn't turn it back on until 13:00 on the 27th. finally got new ip address in afternoon. 
- traffic logging still wrong on morning of 28th. slept most of the day.
- tried to move to 90s laptop on 29th, decided it was too slow to be workable
- found workaround instead
- teksavvy tried to sell me a modem, had to push back against it

(so, week was spent fighting with unknown internet traffic while slowly cleaning blog at end)

- finished reviews for man or astroman & grunge shows on morning of 30th
- awake late on 30th, check local traffic stats early on 31st and conclude that my network is compromised. 
- completely disable network, get ready for grocery shopping

next segment is next.