fucking morons.
this is coming up and i want to reiterate that trump has been abundantly clear that he wants to outsource taxation. this is intended as a permanent revenue source to keep the government running. canada's going to pay to keep the bureaucracy afloat and the 80s will never die and burn. burn. burn.
it's only crazy because nobody does it because it would produce instability. canadians don't really want to pay the bills in washington and may find alternate arrangements. it's more irresponsible than insane, but if trump ever sort of cared a little, he clearly doesn't any more.
the next administration will prefer a more predictable revenue stream, but trump's thing is make believe. it's entirely self-contained and entirely consistent and we're going to have to actually understand it.
trump perpetuates the 80s forever by giving you everything for nothing by exploiting the easily exploitable, which he's decided that canada is, and which he's right to decide; we are.